Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

do what you can do know :)

as we know, the world become smaller and smaller... hotter and hotter... dirtier and dirtier... worse and worse!

because :

1. as far as we see, we can see trash throwed everywhere
2. as far as we breath, we breath a lot of carbon dioxide gass everyday and everywhere (at city only)
3. as far as i know, american and russian still active to try their nuclear bomb 
4. as far as we smell, we can only smell a trash smell or carbon smell
5. as far as we wanna fix it, we always have another reason to make another damages 

and what we can do with it :

1. begin to throw trash at the trash basket ( if there isn't trash basket around you, keep it on your pocket)
2. begin not to use motorcycle or car (begin use bicycle or take a walk)
3. maybe we can't prevent american and russian to stop their nuclear try out
4. begin plan tree (at least once in your life)
5. begin to fix not make another damages :)

"our earth is become older. so, we have to make it younger than its age :)" 
"take care our earth well or it won't takes care of us too"

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Cowok angkat barang berat
** Udah biasa, biarin aja nggak usah dibantuin
Cewek angkat barang berat
** Kesian banget, bantuin yuk..emang cowoknya ke mana ?

Cowok pake baju cewek
** Idih mbak..mo ke mana ? suwit..suwit..(bencong maksudnya)
Cewek pake baju cowok
** Cool..boleh juga..eksentrik

Cowok nganterin ceweknya orang
** Kamu siapa ? jedag..jedug (digebukin ama cowoknya yg cewek)
Cewek dianterin ama cowok orang lain
** Tetep aja yg digebugin yg cowok ama cowoknya yg cewek, bingungkan..he..he..

Cowok suka shopping
** Amit-amit kayak cewek aja..
Cewek suka shopping
** Udah biasa maklumlah cewek :-P

Cowok muter-muter di mall
** Muter-muter terus, nggak beli-beli...kayak setrikaan nggak panas
Cewek muter-muter di mall
** Maklumlah belon ada yg cocok untuk dibeli..

Cowok ditraktir cewek
** Pelit banget sih..dasar cowok nggak bermodal
Cewek ditraktir cowok
** Emang seharusnya gitu

Cowok cengeng ngeliat sinetron
** Dasar cengeng, gitu aja nangis...gengsi doongg !!
Cewek cengeng ngeliat sinetron
** Bener2 berperasaan halus..dia pasti terharu..

Cowok nggak kerja
** Nggak punya malu
Cewek nggak kerja
** Lebih mementingkan keluarga

Cowok suka marah-marah
** Kasar banget dia, moga aja ntar suamiku nggak gitu
Cewek suka marah-marah
** Pasti dia lagi datang bulan

Cowok menangis & ketawa dalam satu waktu
** Gila
Cewek menangis & ketawa dalam satu waktu
** Begitulah cewek

Cowok idiot
** Malu-maluin
Cewek idiot
** Dia kan cantik

Cowok ngabisin duit istrinya
** Pasti buat selingkuh
Cewek ngabisin duit suaminya
** Itulah tugas cewek

my dream to be a backpacker :))

yeah, i really dreamed it. 
i wanna be a backpacker
but not a single backpacker
i want a friend who i will go with
i hope i can make it true and i'll visit many cities in Indonesia then i visit many countries around the world :D

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

my 2011 resolutions :)

well, these are my resolutions for the next one year :

** Lulus UN seangkatan 17 (aminnn ya rabb)
** Lulus SNMPTN 2011 jurusan Fakultas Kedokteran
** Kirim dua empat naskah novel ke penerbit
** Mulai deh travelling keliling indonesia :)) 
** Punya kamerea DSLR canon/nikon 
** Punya pink instanx fuji (polaroid camera)
** Punya mini photo printer , hehe...
** Bahasa Jermannya makin mantap
** Toefl +500 (ikut tesnya sekalian)
** Adain Pyjamas Party ama temen-temen (asrama, kelas, dll)
** Kasi kado ultah ke yg ultah pas tanggal 15 Mei 2011 :)
** Bisa bawa mobil mama :P
** Dapat KTP, SIM
** Ubah penampilan :P (sumpah! ini paling berat!)
** Jadi lebih alim aja deh, ngincer SURGA soalnya... :O 
** Hidup bahagia dengan menjadi diri sendiri dan berguna bagi orang lain :D

"Because YOU the one who decide your destination :D"

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011


i'm happy to know that we can survive til this year
what a great year, isn't it?
i just can't leave every moments i've passed through this year
with my family, friends, bestfriends, dormates, classmates, exc...
i really happy and thankful to be a part of this wonderful life.

and i just wanna say to everyone who feel sad to leave this year :
"Mmm...well,just believe and be positive that 2011 gonna be a greater year for you :)"
we don't know what happen next, rite? yeah, that's such a mystery
we don't know where the fate takes us,
we don't know who we'll met next
we don't know is that better for us or is this good for us
it just need time and our effort to make it better :D

my positive side said :
well, talking about my new year eve...
yeah, as usual! i just stay at home
it's probably silly, rite?
for the whole 17 new year eves, i spend it with my family in our house
yeah, in OUR HOUSE!
we never go out or going somewhere else for just celebrating new year
well, i've decided to not judge anyone for no reason
i'll just wait and let it flow as it should to be
maybe soon or later i'll know the reason, why my family never spend our new year royally like other family do in every new year night eve
well, i'm enjoying enough sitting in livingroom, watching movies, laugh together or talking about something funny or silly
eating many foods and looking wonderful fireworks sparkling on the sky

my negative side said :
i'm stuck at home with my family, AGAIN!
for the 17th new year eve in the whole of my life
i really wanna know how it's feel celebrate event like this with friends
well, at least i can compare it rite?
i don't know it's normal or not.. but this is what my mind wondering to know about
since i was child, teens (as me now)... my dad never let me go out/hang out to celebrate event like this with my friends
okay, i can accept that... maybe he afraid something bad happen to me
but, if he didn't let me go out with my friends
and why we have to stuck at home? at whole year?
why we don't go out to celebrate it?
why we don't ... well, i'll stop talk about it!

the real truth is :
i'm truly madly deeply can't wait when i graduate from high school and enter to the college
i can't wait...
i can't wait to have a college and spend much time without my dad's permission anymore
i can't wait to have my journey adventure... yeah, doing my private projects with someone who love traveling, learn tradition, and taking picture :D
and i can't wait at all.
GOD, this is my greatest wishes in 2011 -->
please... let me pass the national and the school examination.
please... let me pass the test in JAVA university at dentistry faculty
please... give my parents long age so they can see me become a succes woman
please... let me get your blessing so i can be a great human for you
please... let me make my dreams come true
i've told you about my dreams, rite? i don't need to write it again here.
well... those are my simple wishes...
i believe with your almighty power, these are just simple wishes to make them true :')
thanks for being myside through my happy,sad,and though moments since i was born in this world.
thanks a lot GOD and be with me always don't ever leave me :')