Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

i love 2010 because it's full of love :D

my last day at 2010 :D

i'm not doing nothing today...
but i'm not doing anything either -__-"...
yeah, what a lonely holiday. 
i'll start doing my project next week because my friends have their holiday next week.
that's why i stuck at my home.
but it's fun enough
i'm finding myself adore myself :)
and it sounds good if we remember that i never adore myself.
i rarely think positive about anything even myself
and it's bad. totally bad!
just brought a negative side for me.
but now, i can learn how to be positive every time
emotion control well, more smile and less cry :D
that's what i call WORTH it LIFE :))

taylor swift is really taylor :D

Birth name        : Taylor Alison Swift

Born                 : December 13, 1989 (1989-12-13) (age 21)
                         Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States
Genres             : Country pop,[1] pop,[2] teen pop, country
Occupations     : Singer-songwriter, musician, actress

Instruments       : Vocals, guitar, piano,[3] ukulele[4]

Years active      : 2006–present

Labels               : Big Machine

Associated acts  : Nathan Chapman, Liz Rose

Website             : taylorswift.com

    * Taylor Swift (2006)
    * Fearless (2008)
    * Speak Now (2010)

13 is her lucky number :))

her albums :)) 

she has many collection guitars :D

don't blame, just worth it! :D

now i just realize that... why should i cry? why?
God promises to us, that God wouldn't give us something that we can't face on. 
well, it's true. i said it's true. 
because every problem has their own resolution.
and it depends how strong we face it. 
how wise we think about it. 
and how good we solve it. 
it depends on us. 
and why should i cry ?
come on... i had been crying for many times. 
i had been taking out many tears in my life.
for what? for the problem that i thought i've never solved but the fact i can solved it. 
yeah, the real fact is i can solve it. 
some well and some other not well enough. 
but at least i've ever done something to decrease problems of my life. 
and here are some reasons WHY i shouldn't cry for my precious life time :
** because i have my parents who love me so much and give me everything i need. thanks mom, dad :*
** because God lets me live my life with moeslem's parents who teach me religion much
** because i born at a safe country. safe from war and social conflict. i live in harmony
** because i can eat everytime i want and everywhere i'm
** because i get many facilities. such as tv, hp, laptop, exc. come on, not everyone can get these stuffs
** because i was thought by great teachers so i can be yeah.. we can say "smart" enough
** because i didn't get involved to a free society
** because i have a healthy body (alhamdulillahhhhh)
** because i can still buy things i want (not at all) at least i can buy novel, fancy dress, exc...
** because i have bestfriends (Fara, Wina, Wadiah) 
** because i have many friends (from TK, SD3, SMP2, SMA17)
** because i always have a chance to enter a superior school (such SD3,SMP2,SMA17)
** because i chance to school, to go hang out with family and friends, and online free at my home
see???? what else i need? i always be in a good condition...  (probably)
even i have many troubles and problems to faced on. 
but i keep fighting and survive. 
yeah i survive :D
i believe that behind every troubles
there always something good 
so, don't blame your life guys
worth it!
worth it!
worth it!
if someone ask me like this :
"i got some troubles with my family, my friends, and my sisters... hey, i've done manythings wrong. i've done many mistakes. i've ruined my own life. and it's gonna kill me slowly. i got stressed and i can face it anymore. it's kind a punishment for me. i can't... i can't face it!" 
i'll answer like this:
"well... i'm not telling you it is going to be easy. i'm telling you it's going to be worth it. trust me"

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

movie without sound :))

honesty, it such a new attitude of me for being captured in the camera. 
i became 'narsiser". why?
hmm... for this, i can't blame anyone. 
i'm crazy too.
i just realize that. 
and i love be in a camera with everyone/everything i love, i met, and i like. 
it's such a memory. such a movie without sound. 
yeah, movie without sound. 
we see it, laugh it, or even cry it. 
it's totally fun and let me know that time is really unreturnable. 
that's why we ought to use our time as good as we can. 
give the best for your life and don't wasting time with people who don't expect you. 
spend your whole time with someone who love you and wanna be with you :)) 

i enjoy capture in the BOX :)

 with FAJAR and OCHAAA :))

with my favorite buddies :))
alfi, yabes, fajar, zhafran, mucha

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

randomly feeling :)

what SUCCESS people do :)

1.Carilah dan temukan kesempatan di saat orang lain gagal menemukannya.

2.Orang sukses melihat masalah sebagai bahan pembelajaran, bukannya kesulitan belaka.

3.Fokus pada solusi, bukan berkubang pada masalah yang ada.

4.Menciptakan jalan suksesnya sendiri dengan pemikiran dan inovasi yang ada.

5.Orang sukses bisa merasa takut, namun mereka kemudian mengendalikan dan mengatasinya.

6.Mereka mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat, sehingga menegaskan kualitas pikiran dan emosional yang positif.

7.Mereka jarang mengeluh.

8.Mereka tidak menyalahkan orang lain, namun mengambil tanggung jawab atas tindakan mereka.

9.Mereka selalu menemukan cara untuk mengembangkan potensi mereka dan menggunakannya dengan efektif.

10.Mereka sibuk, produktif, dan proaktif, bukan luntang-lantung.

11.Mereka mau menyesuaikan diri dengan sifat dan pemikiran orang lain.

12.Mereka memiliki ambisi atau semangat.

13.Tahu benar apa yang diinginkan.

14.Mereka inovatif dan bukan plagiat.

15.Mereka tidak menunda-nunda apa yang ada.

16.Mereka memiliki prinsip bahwa hidup adalah proses belajar yang tiada henti.

17.Mereka tidak menganggap diri sempurna sehingga sudi belajar dari orang lain.

18.Mereka melakukan apa yang seharusnya, bukan apa yang mereka mau lakukan.

19.Mereka mau mengambil resiko, tapi bukan nekat.

20.Mereka menghadapi dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan segera.

21.Mereka tidak menunggu datangnya keberuntungan, atau kesempatan. Merekalah yang menciptakannya.

22.Mereka bertindak bahkan sebelum disuruh/ diminta.

23.Mereka mampu mengendalikan emosi dan bersikap profesional.

24.Mereka adalah komunikator yang handal.

25.Mereka mempunyai rencana dan berusaha membuatnya menjadi kenyataan.

26.Mereka menjadi luar biasa karena mereka memilih untuk itu.

27.Mereka berhasil melalui masa-masa berat yang biasanya membuat orang lain menyerah.

28.Mereka tahu apa yang penting bagi mereka dan melakukan yang terbaik yang mereka bisa.

29.Mereka memiliki keseimbangan. Mereka tahu bahwa uang hanya alat, bukan segalanya.

30.Mereka paham betul pentingnya disiplin dan pengendalian diri.

31.Mereka merasa aman karena mereka tahu mereka berharga.

32.Mereka juga murah hati dan baik hati.

33.Mereka mau mengakui kesalahan dan tidak segan untuk minta maaf.

34.Mereka mau beradaptasi dengan perubahan.

35.Mereka menjaga kesehatan dan performa tubuh.

36.Mereka rajin.


38.Mereka terbuka dan mau menerima masukan dari orang lain.

39.Mereka tetap bahagia saat menghadapi pasang surut kehidupan.

40.Mereka tidak bergaul dengan orang-orang yang salah/ merusak.

41.Mereka tidak membuang waktu dan energi emosional untuk sesuatu yang di luar kendali mereka.

42.Mereka nyaman bekerja di tempat yang ada.

43.Mereka memasang standar yang tinggi bagi diri sendiri.

44.Mereka tidak mempertanyakan mengapa mereka gagal namun memetik pelajaran dari itu semua.

45.Mereka tahu bagaimana harus rileks, menikmati apa yang ada, dan mampu bersenang-senang dalam kecerobohan sekalipun.

46.Karir mereka bukanlah siapa mereka, itu hanyalah pekerjaan.

47.Mereka lebih tertarik pada apa yang efektif ketimbang pada apa yang mudah.

48.Mereka menyelesaikan apa yang telah mereka mulai.

49.Mereka menyadari bahwa mereka bukan hanya makhluk hidup belaka, namun juga makhluk rohani.

50.Mereka melakukan pada yang mereka katakan.

Ingat!sukses bukanlah milik orang yang tidak pernah gagal, melainkan milik orang yang tidak pernah menyerah ^^

my random favorite things :))

i love bear, but i don't really like the doll :P
it scares me sometimes.

i love balloon so much much :*
i'll really love people who gives me bunch of colorful balloon :D
i love colorful umbrella.
it's make my spirit up :D

i love mocca so much... mm.. latte is good too :))
and i really love this texts :))