Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Be STRONG isn't always GOOD.

Mmmm... What do you think about being strong?
Menurut kalian, jadi cewek yang kuat itu bagus gak?
Beberapa cowok mungkin suka kalo ceweknya kuat...
Tapi ada juga loh cowok yang malah suka kalo ceweknya lemah. That's happen for a reason dong tentunya...
Tapi, buat para cowok... Pendapat kami sebagai cewek exactly is like this :
it's really good to be strong... But, it's suck too, when people suppose we're strong then they can hurt us whatever they want. So, you the boys... Please treat us as what we suppose to be... As a GIRL and you all boys please ACT just like BOY...

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