Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

BT (buku tahunan) nge-BT-in >,<"

rapat buku tahunan aja ribetnya minta ampun.
tita (panitia BT) said :
"iih... cia kelasmu kenapa kayak susah diatur. kelasmu ribet sekali.
teman-teman panitia hampir semua mengeluh kalo masuk ke kelasmu.
kita publikasi, kalian sibuk sendiri. nda ada yang bisa menghargai.
dikasih kertas dihilangkan... ditagih tema, gak jadi-jadi"
then i said :
"ya.. maklum saja tita... begitu memang orang kalo pintar sekali mi. nda bisa menghargai orang lain -__-"

*sumpah sumpek banget ini kelas... -,-

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

dibalik kesusahan ada kemudahan

yeay... i cried a few days ago
i cried totally! totally i cried... 
i cried because something that i can't reach it
something that i feel so unfair to me and a few of my friends
something about education and school
something about friends and family
something about maything.
i cried because all of those world's stuff

then i realize
my mom and my dad said this :
"hey... don't be so upset and sad. it is not the end of everything. there are so many thing to think about rather than you're lying here and do nothing except crying like a baby
it is not the end because GOD says there are always something good behind the bad one
yeah it is..."
then i found myself smiling with a little laugh.
i laugh at myself then i cursed myself. how bad my attitude it is
how come i become an unthankful girl. 
how come i cry just because of these stuffs

it is not the end! yeay... it's not a sure that someone who was happy yesterday would be happy for tomorrow
the circle is circling...
you'll on top and you'll on bottom
it depends on how hard you try and how serious you pray to god...

say this to yourself loudly : 
"my life is my life and my future is me and my effort. yeay, i can do it! i can!"